
The Sketchbook Project

This pandemic has presented some interesting opportunities that I may have missed during our "regularly" scheduled program...aka life before March 13, 2020. I had the pleasure of participating in an international game of Telephone with other creatives around the globe, a couple of mail art exhibitions within the US, and most recently a traveling sketchbook. During this time I have also become familiar with Ray Johnson, the original dada mail artist, and am still quite curious about his life and prolific art. These are just a few of the threads have led to this latest experiment. 
The Sketchbook Project. Yesterday I mailed off the sketchbook to the first of 11 artists to contribute their voice to the pages.

Just a little more about the why... The thing that I miss most during this very peculiar time is collaboration and community. Spending time exploring everything... drinking in the exhibitions in museums, artwork, libraries, lectures, artist the conundrum that has been pulsating these last 11 months, is how to create a sense of community that lives outside the walls of my house. I have certainly found a similar joy in mailing letters, riding my bike to the post office has become a bit of a habit and getting a response from the mail I have sent is very fulfilling and feels so satisfyingly social. 

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