
Summer Solstice

Head in the Clouds

On this summer solstice, may the longest day of the year illuminate your creativity and passion. To all makers, artisans, and seekers, may the sun's radiant energy inspire your hands, hearts, and minds, filling you with boundless inspiration. May you find beauty in every moment, joy in your craft, and wisdom in your pursuits. Let this solstice be a time of renewal, where your creations flourish and your spirit soars. Embrace the light, and may your artistic journey be as vibrant and enduring as the summer sun.

*The Head in the Clouds collage is currently in the Bloom Exhibition at the Girls Who Paint Gallery, available for purchase.


Happy PRIDE Month!
"Don't you ever let a soul in the world tell you that you can't be exactly who you are." Lady Gaga. 

May this month remind us to fill our hearts with love, unity, and the courage to stand proud, together all year long. 


Mash Up!


Pyramid Atlantic Art Center             5th Annual Member Mash Up                    May 24 - June 30 
Pyramid's 5th Annual Members Exhibition is now up until June 30th! It is a cacophony of visual delight! Mixed and matched to create dynamic energy in the gallery space. Members of Pyramid Atlantic exhibit works of their choice in this feisty annual exhibition that celebrates all mediums, styles and sizes at varying price points! Check out the Virtual Gallery!

                                        Brood XIX & XIII  2024                                  Susan Silva
It is pretty cool to have one of my Cicada brood hanging there on a Priority Mail envelope. This series was created to pay homage to the many zillions of cicadas making their way around the Midwest this summer! Broods XII & XIX are currently emerging after a 17 year snooze!  Have they come your way? 


Rainy days, great reflections


                                                            Capitol Building                                               May 2024

Amid the gray skies, raindrops dance and flow together, creating dazzling puddles.


Bloom Where You Are Planted

Elated to have two of my artworks included in the Girls Who Paint spring show!
 Bloom Where You Are Planted
Mark your calendars to join me along with a fabulous group of artists to celebrate at the Opening Reception 
on Friday, May 17th. 



 For the last several years I have watched, in awe, my friends engage in the #100dayproject, an idea that has grown on social media from the original 100 Day Project developed by Michael Blerut. Participating in t
his was always an aspiration of this year I finally decided the time was right! Having just concluded some pretty cool experiments for my School for Art Leaders cohort, this is the perfect next step. 

You know my love of all things mail and mail I am working on 100 days of Priority Mail stickers. The theme came pretty easy too, I was standing in line at the post office looking at the priority mail stickers imagining small artworks on them. It is a manageable/desirable size for endless compositions and eventually I can imagine them randomly finding their way stuck around the city. 

Check out some of the artists that have influenced this experience for me on Instagram: @stollen_moment, @obscuragirl,and @kristinanosalstudios to name a few.

I am 19 days in...what I have realized so far is it's not just about the end result of each day's creation but about the cumulative impact of sustained effort and dedication over time and the evolution of the idea. It is now a priority. (see what I did there?)