This past fall I took my students to Pittsburgh to investigate two marvels, Frank Lloyd Wright and Andy Warhol as well as some pretty amazing contemporary artists at the Mattress Factory. It was a new excursion for me too, and it was a great experience. The students relished the wide open spaces of Kentuck Knob, the magnificence of Falling Water and the urbanscape of Pittsburgh. The tenacious nature of Warhol being Warhol. We even had a great time playing with light painting at the hotel after our full day of learning and traveling!
As we rolled through these spaces, learning about these very different creative eclectic marvels, the students were completely engaged and at times in awe of their surroundings!
We had our share of photo fun as well...the light painting was a blast! The perfect way to blow off steam after such an intense day!
These students really bonded over the course of this two day journey. An art community was made!
Have I ever mentioned that my favorite teaching moments happen when I observe my students seeing new things and experiencing artworks and multifaceted ideas for the first time?
It is as if I can see their brains going a million miles per minute!
It is exhilarating!