
Snow Day Riff

A vibrant spectacle, a sight to view.

At the tiny table with peanuts so sweet,

They join the feast with rhythmic wingbeat.

With feathers of azure, a bold display,

They share the bounty in a spirited ballet.

Swooping low, with a cheerful cry,

They join the gathering, filling the sky.

The tiny table, a community affair,

Filled with chatter, a lively air.

Squirrels and blue jays, a harmonious scene,

In the snowy wonder, where joy convenes.

And there, a raccoon with a mischievous grin,

Dons a snowy mask, ready to begin.

Through the drifts, it prowls with curious glee,

In the snow day's joy, a masked mystery.

So, let's celebrate the joy they find,

In a snow day's magic, one of a kind.

For in this winter wonder, wildlife at play,

Make a snow day bright in their own special way.