
Radio Silence

The people of the world are increasingly  at odds...prayers for our neighbors near and far.

Artist Teacher Show

Artist Teacher reception is this Saturday night at the Workhouse! I have two pieces in the show! Both fully functioning pinhole cameras (see below)!
Pinhole camera made from a trash can, aptly named Trash Cam.

The other pinhole camera is ceramic hand built slab cam, named Moxie!

I am delighted to be included in this wonderful opportunity! It is so cool to show with your peers and the people you work with every day! Kudos to Adam Hatchl for having his photograph selected for the postcard! 


October just blew by... so many wonderful happenings! Field trip adventures both for school and personal, Beautiful, football games, art shows, #inktober and house renovations...that is where the time goes!
Bitter sweet to see it go so quickly...